Services for community

Family Violence

Family violence refers to any behavior that is threatening, coercive, dominating, or abusivethat occurs between individuals in a family, domestic, or intimate relationship. 

Such behavior causes the individual who experiences it to feel fear


Threatening or controlling behaviour which makes you feel scared or insecure, including:

  • Emotional abuse (such as humiliation, repulsion, fear, nervousness)
  • Financial abuse
  • Threats of violence and retaliation,
  • Household Harm: Damaging property, furniture, etc.

Domestic violence includes:

  • Talking to you in intimidating language
  • Controlling your movement
  • Using demeaning language about you or insults
  • Lowering your personality, criticizing and offending you in public.
  • Forcing you to have unwanted sex, pain or humiliation

Break the silence

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects every society, regardless of culture, education, religion, wealth, or poverty. It is a distressing topic that frequently appears in newspapers, radio channels, and television broadcasts.

Together, break the silence againts domestic violence


Why the program is important

Preventing violence involves making direct efforts to remove or decrease the root causes of violent victimization or perpetration.

Find a support 

If you need any assistance, break the silence, we're here for you. You have the option to visit us, send us a message or call us. We highly value your privacy and will ensure it is protected at all times. Whatever you choose, we'll do everything we can to assist you.

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Other counselling services

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Gambling Counselling

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