The Vietnamese Parents Support Group has been running for nearly six years. In September last year the group moved from Richmond West Primary School to 110 Elizabeth St. Community Hall in Richmond.

Parents meet every Tuesday morning during school terms from 10AM to 12PM with morning tea provided to share concerns and ideas whilst learning new skills such as strategy to help their children with homework, parental and positive parenting programs. In addition, parents will be encouraged to participate in a range of activities such as health education, sport activities, cooking and handicraft classes, and family outings that enhances quality of family life.

Activities include:
- Tutoring workshops for parents.
- Information sessions on family and parenting issues.
- Learning cooking, sewing, handicraft, flower decoration, knitting, etc.
- Parenting program.
- Outings and excursions
- Sport activities: ongoing community gym memberships for group members.
- Family celebration
Nam Nguyen, Project Coordinator
Family Services for Vietnamese Residents living in the City of Yarra
“Empowering Men and Women to become better Parents and Community Members” Project (2009-2011)
Our Family Support Program which is funded by the City of Yarra, is in its 6th year of operation. It has become very well known for the holistic support it has been providing to many Vietnamese families in the city of Yarra undergoing hardship or crisis.
Our family support services include:
- Information, support and referrals
- Family counselling and mediation.
- Family violence support.
- Liaison with other services and agencies and advocacy for Vietnamese families.
- Outreach services (home visits) to families if needed.

In addition, various community building activities are carried out:
- Positive parenting training,
- Parents’ support groups,
- Volunteer participation,
- Family recreation and fitness
- Human rights education.

Every year the service provides on going services to around 60 families from counselling to crisis intervention and intensive support, and one-off support to 220 families. Most clients are single parents living in Commission flats in the City of Yarra.
Regarding activities, we have a group to support Vietnamese Parents and Grandparents which has operated successfully for nearly 4 years with varied activities and programs, such as low-cost outings, cooking classes, card making and make up learning. Yearly, we conduct 2 parenting education programs and various information sessions. We also celebrate events such as “Mother’s Day”, “International Women’s Day”, or Christmas & Full Moon festival for all 3 generations.
Contact: Nam Nguyen, Project coordinator
Phone: (03) 9428 9078
Richmond Tutoring Program 2011
Richmond Tutoring Program which has involved 3 organisations: AVWA, Australian Catholic University and The Smith Family, is in its second year of operation. The program runs every Tuesday afternoon during school terms to support primary school children (prep to year five) in learning, and guide parents who face linguistic challenges in supporting their children’s homework.

The program which is now operating from 106 Elizabeth St. Richmond, has been very successful with an ever increasing waiting list. Currently, we have 40 school children going to school in Richmond or living in the Richmond Housing Estate attending the program. It is important to cap the number of student enrolment in order to ensure the quality delivery to students and families participating in the program.
This year, the program is receiving generous support from the local Smiggle store for stationery and Melbourne Grammar School for providing around 10 students as tutors in each session.

Program Objectives:
- To provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment where children are supported by tutors to improve their literacy and numeracy skills
- To build the capacity of parents to support and encourage their children’s learning at home
- To bring together children, families, organisations, universities, and businesses to benefit the wider Richmond community
Nam Nguyen, Program coordinator
Trang Do, Tutoring Assistant
Indochinese Men's Support Groups