Donation Information
If you would like to donate to the Australian Vietnamese Women's Association, you can do so by depositing the desired amount into the following account:
- Account name: Australian Vietnamese Women's Association Inc.
- Bank: Commonwealth Bank
- BSB: 063-217
- Bank Account: 10269036
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you can request a tax invoice by emailing your name and address to
Ủng Hộ Tài Chánh
Nếu quí vị muốn đóng góp cho Hội bằng cách chuyển thẳng tiền qua mạng, xin gởi đến:
- Tài khoản: Australian Vietnamese Women's Association Inc.
- Ngân hàng: Commonwealth Bank
- Mã chi nhánh (BSB): 063-217
- Số tài khoản: 10269036
Nếu muốn nhận biên lai khấu trừ thuế, xin vui lòng email đến
Quang Minh Temple
Quang Minh Temple is a centre for the Vietnamese Buddhist community in Victoria, as well as the office of the United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Victoria. The Temple is situated about twelve kilometres west of Melbourne’s CBD, overlooking the gentle Maribyrnong River.
Quang Duc Temple
The Quang Duc Buddhist Welfare Association was established in 1990 in a small three-roomed house at 30 Bamburg St, Broadmeadows in the northern suburbs of the City of Melbourne. The house was used for worship, religious education and many various Buddhist activities. As time went by, and as the Buddhist community grew, the Ven.Thich Tam Phuong had to find a new place for a temple which would meet the needs of the Buddhist community of the northern suburban region.
Hoa Nghiem Buddhist Temple
Chùa Hoa Nghiêm được thành lập vào năm 1987 với nhân duyên lành, là ngôi chùa đầu tiên của Giáo Hội Phật Giáo Việt nam Thống Nhất vùng Đông Nam của thành phố Melbourne (GHPGĐNM). Hòa Thượng Thích Phước Huệ và Ban Trị Sự Lâm Thời (Quý Phật Tử trong vùng) đã mua ngôi nhà số 20 Princess Avenue, Springvale làm nơi sinh hoạt tạm thời của Chùa. Thầy Thích Nhật Tồn được bổ nhiệm làm Trụ Trì Chùa Hoa Nghiêm vào cuối năm 1987.
Vietnamese Senior Cultural Association Inc
The Vietnamese Senior Cultural Association was established in 2013 from the Lac Viet group which celebrated its 10th anniversary on 6 June 2017. Members come to 296 High St, Ashburton each Tuesday for Tai Chi, Zumba Gold, singing, dancing, table tennis, excursions, festival performances and birthday celebrations.
The Association aims to maintain physical and mental health of the Vietnamese community, also to preserve cultural and artistic activities in the life of multicultural Australia.
Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria
The Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria is the peak body for 49 community legal centres across Victoria. The Federation leads and supports community legal centres to pursue social equity and challenge injustice. The Federation provides information and referrals to people seeking legal assistance, initiates and resources law reform and policy work to develop a fairer legal system that better responds to the needs of the disadvantaged, works to build a stronger and more effective community legal sector, provides services and support to community legal centres and represents community legal centres with stakeholders. The Federation assists its diverse membership to collaborate for justice. Workers and volunteers throughout Victoria come together through working groups and other networks to exchange ideas and develop strategies to improve the effectiveness of their work.
Consumer Affairs Victoria
Helps settle common problems between people who buy and sell goods in Victoria. Can also help with renting, accommodation, buying and selling a home, building and renovating, scams, product safety and other issues affecting consumers and businesses.
Disability Services Commissioner
Helps people resolve complaints with a disability service or service provider
Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria
The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria offers free advice and information to help you settle a dispute on your own or with the help of nationally accredited mediators. Mediators are independent and can help to negociate a resolution
Energy and Water Ombudsman (Victoria)
Investigates and resolves disputes between Victorian electricity, gas and water customers and their providers.
Fair Work Ombudsman
Receives, investigates and helps to resolve complaints or suspected contraventions of workplace laws, awards and agreements
Financial Ombudsman Service
Independent dispute resolution services for consumers and some small businesses with banking, insurance and investment disputes.
Health Services Commissioner
Helps people with complaints against health service providers.
Legal Services Commissioner
Receives, investigates and helps to resolve complaints against lawyers and disputes between lawyers and clients
Ombudsman Victoria
Investigates complaints by the public about administrative actions and human rights breaches by Victorian government departments, most statutory authorities and local government.
Office of the Public Advocate
Information and advice on the rights of people with a disability, guardianship, powers of attorney, medical consent and other matters.
Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner
Investigates complaints about breaches of privacy by Victorian government agencies and local councils.
Public Transport Ombudsman
Deals with complaints about Victorian public transport
Victoria Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
Receives, investigates and helps to resolve complaints about discrimination including sexual harassment and racial and religious vilification
Telecommunication Industry Ombudsman
Independent dispute resolution services for residential and small business consumers of telephone or internet services.
Victoria Legal Aid (VLA)
Victoria Legal Aid gives free help over the telephone or at one of their offices around Victoria. VLA also has lawyers in some courts, hospitals, prisons and detention centres. You can speak to someone in English or in your own language
Victoria Law Foundation
The Victoria Law Foundation is a not-for-profit, independent statutory body that helps Victorians understand the law and ultimately use it to improve their lives. Established in 1967 and funded from the Legal Services Board Public Purpose Fund, our status as an independent body allows us to play a valuable role in driving and supporting innovative projects, modernising the legal system and promoting best practice across the legal sector.