Training and Vocational Services

Registered Training
Organisation (TOID: 22594)

We deliver nationally recognised training including Certificate I, II, III and Diploma to learners of all backgrounds in Victoria. These courses are funded by the Department of Education and Training via Skills First program for eligible learners.

  English as an Additional Language

  Ageing and Disability

  Early Childhood Education and Care


What RTO is, what we provide

Our aims are to provide skills and knowledge to people of all genders and ages who want to improve their English language proficiency and/or get a job in the Childcare or Aged care and Disability industries. We also focus on re-skilling individuals with a view to developing their ability to either re-enter the workforce or improve their career and employment prospects.

Our nationally recognised courses including English as an Additional Language and vocational education and training programs are funded by the Department of Education and Training via Skills First program for eligible learners. Download nationally recognised  course

Our pre-accredited courses are designed to support learners with basic skills and knowledge to study further to nationally recognised courses. Those courses are funded by Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board. 

Our Skills First Reconnect Program provides FREE (conditions applied) mentoring support to disadvantaged participants. 

Quality Assurance

As a registered training organisation, we adhere to the comprehensive training delivery requirements of Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF), and Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA).


Why study with us

To ensure learners get the best training, our classes are taught by experienced and professional trainers to deliver nationally recognised courses to meet the learning needs of people from diverse cultures.

Pre-accredited courses

Pre-accredited courses are delivered with Adult, Community and Further Education funding.

  • English For Daily Activities 
  • English For Work 
  • Use internet, and Create and retrieve email using web browser 
  • Produce simple word-processed documents 
  •  Introduction to Childcare Introduction to Aged Care 
  • Job Search, Resume Building and Interview Preparation

Nationally recognised courses

This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government  funding.

2023 -2024 courses

  • 22638VIC Certificate I in EAL (Access)  
  • 22642VIC Certificate II in EAL (Employment)
  • 22640VIC Certificate III in EAL (Access)  
  • CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing and Disability)
  • CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
  • CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

You are eligible for a government-subsidised training place if you meet the following criteria:

  • Have physical presence in Victoria while undertaking the Qualification.
  • To be an eligible Individual in respect of any training, an individual must be either an Australian citizen,  a holder of an Australian permanent visa or a New Zealand citizen.
  • Undertake a maximum of 2 government subsidised courses in a year.
  • Undertake a maximum of 2 government subsidises courses at a time.

An individual is not eligible for government subsidised training if the individual is:

  • A student enrolled in a school.
  • A prisoner within the meaning of the Corrections Act 1986 who is held at any one of the following custodial settings as outlines in the Service Agreement.
  • A person who is detained under the Mental Health Act 1986; or the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 or the Sentencing Act 1991 at the Thomas Embling Hospital.
  • A person who is detained (other than on weekend detention) under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 or the Sentencing Act 1991 or who is held on remand in one of the following youth justice facilities as outlined in the Service Agreement.
  • Enrolled in the Commonweatlh Government’s Skills for Education and Employment program

Eligibility exemptions are available for students who meet the criteria for the following programs:

  • Asylum Seeker VET Program
  • Skills First Youth Access Initiative

First Aid Course (No government fund):

  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

Reconnect Program

  • You are struggling with multiple-barriers relating to your family, social relationship and health.
  • You desire to develop personal interests and increase opportunities for community participation.
  • You want to achieve your education and employment goals.

You are welcome to register into the Skills First Reconnect Program in Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association Inc.  This FREE mentoring program supports eligible disadvantaged Victorians in the city of Brimbank, Maribyrnong, Melton, Casey or Greater Dandenong to access targeted wrap-around services that enable them to successfully engage in education, training or employment.

 The bilingual Reconnect case mentors working in AVWA are willing to provide:

  • Free individual coaching sessions.
  • Free bilingual workshops on different social topics with guest speakers of appropriate expertise (e.g., mental health, family violence, Centrelink allowance…). 
  • Free support for welfare application process, technological devices, language or computer skills.
  • Free courses including pre-accredited courses, EAL courses and vocational courses.
  • Referrals to different local community services and training providers, if necessary.
  • Referrals to internal and external programs for work opportunities.

For further information, please contact the Skills First Reconnect Program on (03) 9396 1922 (Braybrook Office) / (03) 9546 2699 (Springvale Office) or email:                                   

Download Details of Reconnect Program

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