Celebrate Our Outing Group's 1st Anniversary!

Celebrate Our Outing Group's 1st Anniversary!


"Established in October 2023, the Outing Group exclusively supports clients receiving Home Care Packages (HCP) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in the Western region by offering a range of outdoor activities, helping them maintain and enhance their quality of life. The group has operated weekly and is always fully booked.
By joining the Outing Group, clients not only have the opportunity to explore attractive places in Melbourne and learn about the culture of the places they visit but also to meet and develop strong social bonds with other group participants.
On the occasion of our 1st anniversary, we are incredibly proud that the Outing Group has become one of significant successes of AVWA’s Social Support Group / PAG program in supporting the elderly and people with disabilities in engaging in social activities and improving their overall well-being, particularly in enhancing both mental and physical health.  We sincerely appreciate the ongoing support from our clients.


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